A good soaking is in store for the state in the next few days. White River Now’s Gary B. puts on his weatherman’s cap and gives us the scoop!
Heavy rain is expected over a good part of Arkansas for the next several days. Abundant amounts of gulf moisture will enter the state from a southwest flow aloft.
Then a cold front will be moving into the area with widespread showers and maybe a few thunderstorms developing as it does. Being parallel to the upper winds, there is nothing to push it through. As a result, rain will be persistent and with the amount of moisture available, heavy at times.
The widespread rain is expected to develop Tuesday and last into Wednesday as the front crawls through. The front will finally push through Thursday, briefly stall along the gulf coast, then lift back to the north for additional rain chances next weekend. Additional heavy rain will be possible until the system finally clears the state late Saturday.
Total rain amounts up to six inches seem plausible with this system. Flash flooding and eventually river flooding will be a concern and could be dependent upon where the axis of heavy rain sets up.
This part of the state (northern) and the west have seen very dry conditions of late and if the heavy rain falls here, the impacts could be lessened somewhat. It could be more problematic if the axis sets up elsewhere.
Also, the chances of winter weather have been pulled from the forecast based on the latest data.
To sum it up: a good soaking is in store for the state!
We’ll have more information as the event unfolds.
Get up-to-date local and regional news along with the latest weather every weekday morning by listening to Gary B. and Ozark Newsline on Arkansas 103.3, 93 KZLE, and other W.R.D. Entertainment radio stations. If you have a news tip or event to promote, email White River Now at news@whiterivernow.com.