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Entergy Independence Plant recently donated to the WRHS Foundation Crisis Fund


Pictured from Left to right (back row) is Ashley Snedker, Sr. Administrative Assistant; Todd Nichols, Sr. Production Superintendent; Erin Price, Supervisor, Planner/Scheduler; Craig Brown, Sr. Maintenance Planner; Roy Branscum, Sr. Maintenance Planner; Todd Bradberry, Plant Manager; (front row) Sheila Mace, WRHS Public Relations Coordinator;  Michele Wood, Executive Director of WRHS Marketing & Foundation; Annie Solis, WRHS Marketing & Foundation Supervisor; and Tiffany Henson, Chemist and Environmental Tech. 

The fund is designed to provide assistance for the medical community as needs continue to be identified during the COVID-19 crisis.

Previous funds have been used to provide meals for front-line employees and for the purchase of necessary medical supplies.

If you or your organization would like to make a donation, please contact Michele Wood at (870) 262-6033 or

Entergy Independence Plant recently donated to the White River Health System (WRHS) Foundation Crisis Fund.

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