He was born to Glenn (Bill) and Sylvia (Betty) Peceny in Fayetteville, Ark., and moved to Sherwood, Ark., in 1961. His family joined Park Hill Christian Church at that time, where he was baptized in 1964. During these years he achieved the Eagle Scout designation through the Church’s Explorer Post 220 in 1967. He loved his time as a Scout which strengthened his love of his God, Family Country and the Outdoors. Throughout his school years, in addition to his working in some time for hunting and fishing, he loved playing baseball. Through his younger years he had grown into a strong but humble and reverent young man with a foundation of beliefs and principles many admired. He always held to his values about right and wrong and at the same time, he was an amazing listener, counselor and advisor to many.
After graduating from Sylvan Hills High School in 1968, he attended U of A in Fayetteville and ASU in Jonesboro; then pursued a career in sales. In 1970, he married his High School Sweetheart, Susie, and succeeded in taking her trout fishing for their honeymoon, (probably to prepare her for what was to come in their later years). Their family started growing when Shannon was born and was complete when Shelly came along. While raising their girls he instilled in them so many of his qualities and talents. Joe led his family to be active in the Church. He served in several ways but considered his part in the Church’s outdoor “sign with the sayings” ministry the most important of them all.
He loved children and always treasured his time spent with them working on their skills, but also sharing many of life’s lessons. Starting with coaching Boys T-Ball (before his girls were old enough to play), serving as Troop Leader for a Park Hill Christian Church Webelos Den, played on and helping coach the PHC Church men’s softball team. His favorite time with children was coaching his daughters, along with lots of other girls, who were ALL special to “COACH JOE” in what would become the TCB Stingers Softball team for several years. His crowning achievement for him was winning the 1986 Slow Pitch 12 & Under State Championship. An even greater reward was having developed long-lasting relationships with many of the players and their families.
His favorite hobby was Deer Hunting. He cherished his time spent in the woods, watching beautiful sunrises and sunsets and all of God’s creatures around him, of course including the Big Bucks and Doe. He was a charter member of Sportsman’s Twelve-Point Deer Club since 1986, serving as President, but was more fondly known as “Boofah”.
In 1996, Joe and Susie purchased Brickshy’s Resort on the White River in Mountain View and started a new chapter in their lives, focusing on building a Trout Fishing business. After many years, an expansion and a name change to Anglers, they downsized in 2007 to Southfork Resort near the Spring River. They eventually sold out and retired in 2018. Joe was then able to spend time doing something he also really enjoyed, which was guiding Trout Fishing trips. Through these past few years, on his guided trips he shared his love of nature and the fun of catching fish and right away, his happy customers became new friends as well.
He was known as “Husband”, “Daddy”, and “Poppy” to his family, also “Brother” and “Friend” to many. However, if you were part of Joe’s life, you were NEVER a friend . . . you were “Family”. His legacy will continue on through his “family” that he loved so deeply, as well as throughout the many other lives that he touched.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his stepfather Joe Skinner, his half-sister Betty Curtis and his niece Page Rubash. Survivors include his wife, Susie; daughters Shannon Peceny Southern, and Shelly Jo Govar and a bonus daughter, Monica Cormier; his granddaughter Mya-Jo Govar who was the apple of his eye as was her childhood friend Karli Burch, a bonus granddaughter. He is also survived by his Brothers by marriage Bill Stewart and Freddy Haltom and Sisters by marriage Sue Stewart and Becky Haltom; special Aunt by marriage Virginia DeSio; nephews Jason (Crystal) Stewart, Ryan Haltom and nieces Jenifer (Chris) Cameron and Lea Ann (Roger) McVay as well as many great-nieces and great-nephews and cousins.
Visitation will be from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm, Friday, April 21, 2023, in the Sanctuary of Park Hill Christian Church @ 4400 JFK Boulevard, NLR, AR. The Celebration of his beautiful life will be there as well at 11:00 am, Saturday, April 22, and lunch will be served afterward. The family wants everyone to feel free to wear his favorite “color” CAMO, in his memory.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Park Hill Christian Church Sign Ministry or St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.