Barbara Ann (Hicks) Chaplain of Newport, Arkansas, departed this life on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at the age of 72. She was born July 8, 1951, in Tiffin, Ohio.
Ms. Chaplain was a member of the Airbase Church of Christ. She worked for KFC and U.S. Pizza for many years. She was a Certified Nursing Assistant at St. Michael’s Place until her retirement in 2017.
Ms. Chaplain enjoyed piecing puzzles together and making crafts in her free time. Her greatest love was her family. Her life was filled with joy because of her grandbabies.
Ms. Chaplain was preceded in death by her adoptive parents, Henry and Jean (Moldan) Hicks; one brother, Craig Hicks; and her biological parents.
She is survived by her son, James Chaplain and wife, Karen, of Newport; two grandchildren, Mason Chaplain and Tensley Chaplain; a half-brother, Glen Harrell and wife, Joni, of Washington D.C.; and many close family and friends.
The family of Ms. Chaplain will hold a memorial service at a later date.