-The following obituary was written by the family and has been posted unchanged and in its entirety-
Lois Isabel Miller 12/29/34 – 5/1/24
Grandma Lois passed away this morning and we know she’s real pissed about it. Although she wanted to get to heaven and see Grandpa Roy, she just got done telling that heart doctor to schedule the new pacemaker install because she wanted to “stick around for a while” (reminder: cancel Wednesday dr appt. for grandma). She’s also been asking to go to Walmart for a week for a new purse. Turns out Dad was right, and she didn’t really need it after all…
Grandma was full of piss and vinegar. She enjoyed many things like passing gas in the grocery store and blaming it on the grandkids, wearing t-shirts with inappropriate phrases, laughing, traveling, casinos, westerns, getting her nails done, and her cat “Queenie”. Most of all Grandma loved life and her family (most, but not all).
Grandma was born in Santa Paula, CA and lived most of her life in the Golden State when it actually was Golden. She grew up on the Limoneria Ranch where her family worked and between that and her being tough as nails, she survived the Great Depression as a child.
Grandma was married to Grandpa Roy for 46 years and never remarried after he passed away. She just expected all of us to wait on her hand & foot like he did, and we happily obliged. Grandma had her own career in property management (shout out to Wilbur Oaks in T.O. CA) but the most fun she ever had working was OTR trucking with Grandpa. Oh the stories they would tell…(but we can’t tell because the pansies will surely get us put in the FB slammer). Grandma raised enough children and grandchildren to make any sane person go mad (which explains a lot), and she did it happily with love and laughter.
Like most working folks, grandma made ends meet and provided the necessities for herself but as the saying goes “didn’t have a pot to piss in”. Any family interested in finding out their share of what she didn’t have, should wait the appropriate amount of time to reach out. Tomorrow should be fine, that’s enough time for us to calculate your share of nothing. She did have a couple of daily used items, but those will go to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren she adored for sentimental purposes. Don’t be too upset, we’re not, we are glad she took care of herself and didn’t have to bother any of you.
Grandma was living here in AR with her daughter and son-in-law and they did a great job of taking care of her, so she wasn’t without love or proper care when she passed. We will all miss her laughter, her smile, the beautiful shimmering of her silver hair, her dainty fingers, her ability to be classy but not stuffy, and most of all we will miss her loving all of us just for being us.
God allowed Grandma to walk this earth for decades and live a happy life. We were blessed to be in her orbit and for that, we are eternally grateful. We will find comfort in knowing that she is no longer in any pain, and that she is reunited with Grandpa Roy.
On a positive note, Grandma is most likely very happy that she no longer needs to tote around that “damn oxygen tank” (her words not ours…) and we are very happy she never blew us up from smoking while it was on.
We love you grandma, you helped make us who we are. Remember to drink the beer, eat the candy bars, tell the jokes, and laugh out loud. Get to dancing with Grandpa up there, we’ll keep you in our hearts and jokes until we see you again.
PS, the funeral home asked if you had implants…Grandpa told ya you were stacked.
PPS, one of your kids wants the storage key to “help” with your belongings. We’ll let ‘em think there’s something there, it’ll keep ‘em busy for a while.