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Batesville Planning Commission approves conditional use permit for café

Article by Emily Wang, White River Now

During a special meeting Monday night, the Batesville Planning Commission reviewed and approved a conditional use permit for the proposed Magnolia Café, a “coffee shop/café” establishment planned for 325 22nd St. near Lyon College.

The meeting, which attracted both supporters and concerned citizens, focused on the café’s potential impact on the surrounding neighborhood.

The property, currently zoned as R2, a residential district, required a conditional use permit for the café. According to information submitted to the commission, property owner Bruno Azemi intends to create a space for “coffee, pastries, and light dining.” Azemi has also purchased several additional lots adjacent to the proposed café location, where construction for a future apartment-style complex is underway.

Commission members emphasized that the permit was not a rezoning request but allowed for a specific use within existing zoning regulations. They outlined key criteria the proposal needed to meet, including compatibility with the neighborhood, traffic concerns, and maintaining the property’s residential appearance. The commission approved the permit, stating that the property owner met the criteria.

Azemi must meet the following conditions:

  • The facility shall comply with all relevant Arkansas Fire Prevention Code provisions and other local regulations.
  • The facility will not use a drive-thru.
  • The exterior of the existing structure may be rehabilitated, but its residential appearance shall not change.
  • The existing trees on the west side of the lot will be retained as long as they are healthy.
  • The facility’s use is restricted to a coffee shop/café-style dining.
  • No alcoholic beverages will be served.
  • An engineering review shall confirm that the site’s design does not increase any off-site drainage.
  • The facility will provide adequate enclosed waste disposal facilities for both liquids and solids.
  • The facility will provide evidence of a current permit from the Arkansas Department of Health.


In response to citizen concerns about the number of coffee shops in the area, one commission member noted, “We are not in control of what’s on the menu,” clarifying that their focus was on ensuring the café’s operations would not detrimentally affect the surrounding area.

The commission also dispelled rumors of Azemi’s plans to remove the more than 60-year-old magnolia trees on the property. Several commission members stated that Azemi plans to keep the trees “so long as they are healthy.”

“He has agreed to it and offered it on the front end, even though he could cut them down. It’s his property. He has agreed to leave them up,” another member added, noting that the magnolia trees “align with the business’s name and aesthetic.”

Additional concerns from residents included a potential increase in traffic and the precedent the permit might set for future businesses in the area.

The commission reiterated that the permit applies specifically to this property. Should the business be sold, the same conditions must be upheld. If the new owner wishes to change the café into a different business, they must go through a public hearing and review process.

To address noise concerns, the commission referenced the city’s noise ordinance, assuring that any disturbances could be reported to the Batesville Police Department. Any reports of the café not upholding the nine conditions can be brought to Chad McClure, the city’s zoning administrator.

Planning commission chairman Kyle Christopher encouraged residents to bring future concerns directly to the source, stating, “If you see something or hear something of concern, the comment section on social media is not the place to find proper information. We all want the same thing and are passionate about making it a better place. We all have a vested interest in this community.”

Christopher noted that planning commission members and city council members are easily reachable and available to address future concerns or questions.

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