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Arkansas public school educators encouraged to apply for 2023-24 ARTA Grants


The Arkansas Retired Teachers Association (ARTA) is accepting applications for its 2023-24 ARTA Grants.

The grants are awarded in two categories:

  • The Parsons-Burnett Grants, which are for current certified educators to further their own education;
  • and the Mitchell-Fair Grants, which are currently classified employees pursuing their teacher licensure.


The grants are funded by contributions from ARTA members. ARTA is a professional organization of Arkansas’s public education retirees.

The deadline to apply for an ARTA Grant is June 15, 2023. Applications can be submitted online at the ARTA website,

For more information about the ARTA Grants, please visit the ARTA website or contact the ARTA office at (501) 378-4625.

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