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Citizens Bank makes $100,000 pledge to White River Health’s Oncology & Infusion Center expansion


Batesville-based Citizens Bank has made a $100,000 pledge toward the expansion of White River Health’s Oncology & Infusion Center.

The bank said in a release the donation reflected its continuing effort to put “People First” and support the surrounding communities.

At Tuesday’s check presentation, the following individuals were pictured (from left): Citizens Bank representatives Ashley Engles, AVP of Community Engagement; Jeff Teague, chairman and CEO; Vernon Scott, president and chief lending officer; Micah Beard, regional president; and White River Health representatives Dr. Chris Steel, interim president and CEO; Michele VanWinkle, executive director of foundation, marketing, and volunteer services; and Nicole Floyd, donor relations manager.

To contribute to the White River Medical Center Oncology campaign, click here.

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