The Batesville City Council meets Tuesday, and a resolution authorizing the purchase of property near Riverside Park is on the agenda.
According to the resolution, the purchase includes the properties located at 1817 St. Louis St. (the former T & G Fish Market), 1845 St. Louis St. (the Riverside Gardens location), and 1350 Meyers St. (the former Riverside Conoco location). The price for the property is listed in the resolution at around $1.6 million.
The resolution says Batesville hopes to expand its “entertainment, recreation, education, and economic development activities within the city” and notes the properties are “contiguous with and crucial to the expansion and beautification of Riverside Park.”
With the purchase, the city further desires to “…construct facilities to centralize economic and community development activities,” the resolution says.
The further development of Riverside Park is part of the IMPACT Independence County Strategic Plan. The resolution references the plan’s goal “…to improve outdoor recreation and leisure space, resulting in improved quality of life for residents.”
(To read more about IMPACT Independence County, click here.)
Another item on the agenda is a resolution to move expenditures that have already been paid to certain city officials from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant fund. The move will be made to align with a new United States Treasury guideline that does not permit elected officials to receive any rescue grant funds. The council approved the pay to some elected officials, including the mayor, city clerk, and city attorney in November 2021, the resolution notes. The Treasury guideline was announced earlier this year. The resolution will allow the city to move the expense to the city’s general revenue budget and out of the Rescue/ARPA grant fund.
The Batesville City Council meets at the Batesville Municipal Building, 500 East Main, at 5:30 p.m., on Nov. 8.
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