Did you know you can now stream our audio from your Amazon Alexa device?
First you need to enable our skill. Do so by simply asking Alexa to “enable (93 KZLE, Arkansas 1033, Your FM or OUTLAW 106 point five)”
Then once we’re enabled, all you have to do is ask Alexa to “play” or “open” (93 KZLE, Arkansas 1033, Your FM, or OUTLAW 106 point five)”
Having issues? Use the links below to manually setup your device to stream your favorite White River Now radio station on your Alexa.
Arkansas 103.3 [Once enabled say, “Alexa Open Arkansas One Oh Three Three]
93 KZLE [Once enabled say, “Alexa Open Ninety Three K Z L E”]
99.5 Your FM [Once enabled say, “Alexa Open Your F M”]
106.5 Outlaw Country [Once enabled say, “Alexa Open Outlaw One Oh Six Point Five”]